European Tour (1 Viewer)

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Free Member
Jan 29, 2008
Funster No
2 Years
Hi everyone.

Sorry we haven't been on here for a while.
We have been trialing our Knaus Sun Ti for the past 8 weeks to make sure we understand how everything works & if there is anything we require for the van.

Anyway, we are planning on leaving the UK either the 1st or 2nd week of July. Travelling through the Euro Tunnel to Calais, then drive down the west coast of France, west coast of Spain, into Portugal, Gibraltar, East coast of Spain, France, Italy, through to Greece then finally Turkey, but perhaps even further.
Return route via Bulgaria, Germany, Holland etc arriving back in UK April 2009 or later.

What we would like to know is can any of you please give us some general advice whilst travelling through Europe. We would mainly like to Wild Camp.
Drive the most scenic routes, stay in or near small villages etc.
Anything we require apart from the obvious, Passports, EHIC Cards etc.

Any strange laws in these countries?
Any must have vehicle requirements?
Is Wi-Fi readily available?
Is it better to exchange sterling when required or take Post Office Euro Card.

I suppose in general we are after any useful tips & tricks whilst we are on our journey.

Many thxs to all who post replies :thumb:


Free Member
Oct 13, 2007
Ware, Hertfordshire
Funster No
Coach Built
Just returned from 8wks touring eastern Europe. Route taken was outward France, Belgium, Germany, Czech republic, Slovakian republic, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Greece.
Return Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Austria, Germany, Luxembourg, Belgium and France.
Greece wildcamping was no problem lots of vans parked up along side beaches(not where there are no camping signs) Car parks at archiological sites.
Bulgaria not many campsites those that we found most where only for wooden huts for rent. We found that asking to stay at 24hr petrol stations or truck stops was the best bet. We did wildcamp here but on one occasion were moved on by the police as they said it was dangerous to wildcamp.
Hungary Austria, Czech we used campsites which were of a good standard.
Germany, Belgium we used Aire's or Stelplatz.
Slovakia we wild camped.

Don Madge

Deceased RIP
Aug 27, 2007
East Yorks
Funster No
Van Conversion
Too Long
Hi everyone.

Sorry we haven't been on here for a while.
We have been trialing our Knaus Sun Ti for the past 8 weeks to make sure we understand how everything works & if there is anything we require for the van.

Anyway, we are planning on leaving the UK either the 1st or 2nd week of July. Travelling through the Euro Tunnel to Calais, then drive down the west coast of France, west coast of Spain, into Portugal, Gibraltar, East coast of Spain, France, Italy, through to Greece then finally Turkey, but perhaps even further.
Return route via Bulgaria, Germany, Holland etc arriving back in UK April 2009 or later.

What we would like to know is can any of you please give us some general advice whilst travelling through Europe. We would mainly like to Wild Camp.
Drive the most scenic routes, stay in or near small villages etc.
Anything we require apart from the obvious, Passports, EHIC Cards etc.

Any strange laws in these countries?
Any must have vehicle requirements?
Is Wi-Fi readily available?
Is it better to exchange sterling when required or take Post Office Euro Card.

I suppose in general we are after any useful tips & tricks whilst we are on our journey.

Many thxs to all who post replies :thumb:


If you PM me an e mail address I send you some info on Eastern Europe that you will find useful.:Smile:



Free Member
Mar 25, 2008
Funster No
well, in CZ you can also wild camp - no problem, but to change water - you have to find camp.

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