Hi All. One for you to think about. I have a 2005 Fiat Ducato 2.8JTD motorhome which started doing strange things electrically. It started with when driving along and switching the lights on, the engine loses power but if you push the throttle to the floor, it picks up again and runs fine. Three weeks ago while driving early morning to a site in Wales I applied main beam and the radio switched off, change back to dipped beam and the radio came back on. The temerature guage instead of showing a steady normal temp acted a bit like a rev counter, going up when applying power and coming down when not. I have been advised that all of these problems are down to a bad earth on the engine. I have added 2 extra earth straps from the engine to the body and all but one of the faults have gone away. The engine still loses power when I switch the lights on and picks up again when I push the throttle to the floor.
Sorry the description is so long but I wanted to give the whole story.
Anybody got any ideas?
Sorry the description is so long but I wanted to give the whole story.
Anybody got any ideas?