I know there have been loads of posts on the power this uses. It modulates and switches off, then back on again and so forth, each time it comes back on you cry when you look at the battery monitor.
x2 100ah batteries and it will sometimes not start back up again without the engine being on.
So its best to turn it up and not let it cycle or try experimenting and getting it where it blows a steady heat. When it is up and running it takes around 5.2ah is taken from the batteries, occasionally going to 7ah.
My question.
Do the new 2014 model Eberspachers do this, I was wondering about splashing out and getting a 2014 latest model one, getting it swapped over.
Good idea?
x2 100ah batteries and it will sometimes not start back up again without the engine being on.
So its best to turn it up and not let it cycle or try experimenting and getting it where it blows a steady heat. When it is up and running it takes around 5.2ah is taken from the batteries, occasionally going to 7ah.
My question.
Do the new 2014 model Eberspachers do this, I was wondering about splashing out and getting a 2014 latest model one, getting it swapped over.
Good idea?