Following a heart valve operation two years ago, it took six months of back and forth between me, my GP, the surgeon and DVLA to renew my C1 at 70. I don’t plan to repeat that in, what is now only two years time. So if we have to change ’van - currently a 2007 B654 @3900kgs - we might as well downsize to a campervan. A visit to the NEC show on Friday left us very impress by two or three. The Hymer Grand Canyon was in that group.
Does anyone on here have any real life experience of them?
Please don’t suggest I have my present van down rated. With a 125 equivalent scooter on a rear rack, and fully loaded, I am nearly up to that.
Does anyone on here have any real life experience of them?
Please don’t suggest I have my present van down rated. With a 125 equivalent scooter on a rear rack, and fully loaded, I am nearly up to that.