Dfds Result (1 Viewer)

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Lenny HB

Oct 18, 2007
On the coast in West Sussex
Funster No
Carthago Compactline
Since 2008 & many years tugging
Just phoned DFDS to change my booking at the end of the month for Newhaven - Dieppe, asked to change to 1st June I was aware the morning crossing was quite a bit dearer than what I'd paid, she asked what time , I asked what are the price differences, she said "don't worry I won't charge you" didn't even charge the £20 admin fee, a result.
Also booked my return crossing for October , (timetable wasn't available when I booked outward crossing), paid in Euro (trick I learnt from this forum), €79, no charge for paying by CC in Euro & exchange rate over 1.4o today.

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