At long last, after yet another mirror clashing incident with ' white van man', I've decided to get a dashcam.
My query basically is how people mount them whilst maintaining the functionallity of the Remis windscreen blinds. I take it most people mount them at the bottom of the screen, but even there is very liitle space. Alternatively, do you remove the camera when closing the blinds.
Finally does anyone have any camera recommendations. I'm not looking for unnecessary features such as Alexa but primarily, good image quality and reliability.
My query basically is how people mount them whilst maintaining the functionallity of the Remis windscreen blinds. I take it most people mount them at the bottom of the screen, but even there is very liitle space. Alternatively, do you remove the camera when closing the blinds.
Finally does anyone have any camera recommendations. I'm not looking for unnecessary features such as Alexa but primarily, good image quality and reliability.