Cost of CL's (1 Viewer)

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Jul 19, 2007
Sutton on Sea, UK
Funster No
Adria Panel Van.
Since 1988
What are you paying for CL's, £3 a night was common not long ago, but they are creeping up now. What are you paying?


Free Member
Sep 25, 2007
Funster No
5th Wheel
What are you paying for CL's, £3 a night was common not long ago, but they are creeping up now. What are you paying?

Our base CL is 8.50 a night inc hook up (as fulltimers, we pay £7.50). The price has gone up a quid a year for the past 2 years and I've no doubt what so ever that it'll be going up at leat a quid a year from now on given the farmers current change in attitude!
Apparantly he was heard to say "you lot have had it too easy on here for too long!!!!!!!!!
Bit of a joke considering there's 1 old type bin (more are needed at weekends but he point blank refused to pay for another. All that has to be done is mow the grass once a week in the summer and given that "our" farmer seems to spend most of his time on a sit on mower in his huge back garden, I can't see the hardship there!
The way things are going, I can see us moving on before too much longer beecause I genuinly dont mind paying for sites, but I do expect to get the right level of service for my brass, especially now winter is arriving and last year it was like a bl**dy swamp on here cos he wont do anything about the hardstanding. It's advertised as all year hardstanding but if you turn up when it's been wet, you're pitched in at least 1 1/2" - 2" of water where ever you go.........that's not what I call hard standing.
CL's are definately getting more and more expensive and in my opinion, the price of CLs is riseing way above the input to the CL from most owners/farmers. There are, of course exceptions to this rule and there are some beautiful little CL's around with prices and facilities which FAIRLY represent each other. You tend to find that this type of CL is usually run by people who are 'vanners themselves. For the majority of CL owners. it's just a bit of easy (and please dont tell me running a CL isn't easy!) money. Far too many CL owners have a take it or leave it attitude.


Free Member
Aug 25, 2007
Funster No
Autocruise Starseeker
Caravaning since 1974 - Motorhoming since 2003
Used a great CL in Devon on our last strip called Kings Lake. Cost £10 but the fishing was cheap £4 a day. :roflmto:

It had a basic shower & toilet, dump (not drive over though) :Sad: & hardstanding.

I would go back as I think you have to decide if what is on offer suits you.

Previously night we paid £4 but no toilet or shower & fishing £5.

I think we got what we paid for. We have seen many that charge more but they won't get any more business from us because they are getting greedy.

I have niticed that if one in a particular area charges a high fee others nearby will do the same, but may not give the same service.

Road Runner

Free Member
Jul 26, 2007
Funster No
Since before Motorhomefun
I'll happily pay a tenner a night for certain sites with electric but £6 for an average one.

over this is loosing their magic and becoming to commercial.

We never use the toilets and showers on a site anyway.

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Free Member
Aug 31, 2007
sw wales
Funster No
Oh dear ! please may I reply as I run and own a CCC Certificated site and we charge £10 per night with electric hook up.Summer costs us £30 a week petrol for cutting the grass with a £3000+ ride on mower. Together with yearly insurance, electrical check certificates, cdp emptying,site maintainance of roads and hardstanding bases and time involved doing all this we do not make alot of money.
MOST customers are very good but we have had to clear up after people and animals and one person who emptied their chemical blue loo into the field which seeped into the duck pond which could have killed the ducks ! This involved heavy plant equipment hire to clean up the pond.
We take our site very seriously and keep it to a very high standard. Next year come the loos and showers and again large amounts of money involved.
So far we have had only one negative comment about the price. Positive comments include "I think I have died and gone to heaven here"
We have met such lovely people from all walks of life and hope we continue to do so. Some sites suit some people, a field with no bases, no hookups and knee deep in mud, and one like ours well looked after will suit another !:restmycase:

Road Runner

Free Member
Jul 26, 2007
Funster No
Since before Motorhomefun
Oh dear ! please may I reply as I run and own a CCC Certificated site and we charge £10 per night with electric hook up.Summer costs us £30 a week petrol for cutting the grass with a £3000+ ride on mower. Together with yearly insurance, electrical check certificates, cdp emptying,site maintainance of roads and hardstanding bases and time involved doing all this we do not make alot of money.
MOST customers are very good but we have had to clear up after people and animals and one person who emptied their chemical blue loo into the field which seeped into the duck pond which could have killed the ducks ! This involved heavy plant equipment hire to clean up the pond.
We take our site very seriously and keep it to a very high standard. Next year come the loos and showers and again large amounts of money involved.
So far we have had only one negative comment about the price. Positive comments include "I think I have died and gone to heaven here"
We have met such lovely people from all walks of life and hope we continue to do so. Some sites suit some people, a field with no bases, no hookups and knee deep in mud, and one like ours well looked after will suit another !:restmycase:

But your site is one of those little bits of heaven ones (the ones you wanna keep secret) and no one would moan at a tenner for your site believe me.:winky:

Toilet and shower block is adding to your workload and IMHO not needed:winky:
Last edited:


Aug 26, 2007
Dark side of the moon
Funster No
Since 2005
CC CL in essex £7 p.n. hardstanding inc hookup and toilets

Mrs H Foster
87 Rayleigh Avenue

Telephone - 01702 524411

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Free Member
Aug 14, 2007
Corsham, Wilts
Funster No
C class
You're right, overnight charges for many CLs and CSs do seem to be increasing pretty sharply - doesn't seem so long ago that £2-£2.50 was the norm (no leccy then), now it's more like £7-£10.

To be honest (and would all CL and CS owners look away now please) I'd much rather the charges were at least sufficient to make it all worthwhile for the site owners, than to see any more of these five-van delights disappearing. Most of them are still great value, they're nearly all in beautiful places, and every single one of them has that one quality that Sue and I find missing from most of the main club sites - individuality.

Besides, most of them are still half the price and at least twice as nice as the big club/commercial sites.

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