Hello Funsters,
I just upgraded from a 2002 Autosleepers Symbol to a much more electrically sophisticated 2008 Burstner T620 Travel Van. Burstner has a 95Ah Lucas LPO19 as starter batt and 2x Duracell Advance Banner 100Ah as leisure Batts, with EBL99 (rocker switch version) controller.
first: starting turnover was slow, so I took Starter Batt (LPO19) home, 16 hr charge: green light on charger indicated 'full'. Voltage 12.7
Put battery back on vehicle. Voltage fell from 12.7 - 12.5 in first 2 days, down to 12.3 by fourth day. Bustner has more electrics to drain the Batt whilst standing but this seems excesssive to me, even allowing for alarm & clock etc. The AS Symbol would happily stand for 6 weeks then start no problem. ( I never had cause to check the voltage)
would welcome perspective from you wizened old-timers !
second: A and N told me EBL99 can only charge 180Ah - these3 Batts clearly exceed that rating. But I have receipts in service history for 2x 100Ah Duracell dating from 2014, so clearly been in service that long without causing issues. Is this disparity likely to be a problem ?
I just upgraded from a 2002 Autosleepers Symbol to a much more electrically sophisticated 2008 Burstner T620 Travel Van. Burstner has a 95Ah Lucas LPO19 as starter batt and 2x Duracell Advance Banner 100Ah as leisure Batts, with EBL99 (rocker switch version) controller.
first: starting turnover was slow, so I took Starter Batt (LPO19) home, 16 hr charge: green light on charger indicated 'full'. Voltage 12.7
Put battery back on vehicle. Voltage fell from 12.7 - 12.5 in first 2 days, down to 12.3 by fourth day. Bustner has more electrics to drain the Batt whilst standing but this seems excesssive to me, even allowing for alarm & clock etc. The AS Symbol would happily stand for 6 weeks then start no problem. ( I never had cause to check the voltage)
would welcome perspective from you wizened old-timers !
second: A and N told me EBL99 can only charge 180Ah - these3 Batts clearly exceed that rating. But I have receipts in service history for 2x 100Ah Duracell dating from 2014, so clearly been in service that long without causing issues. Is this disparity likely to be a problem ?