ARV MOT's (1 Viewer)

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Don Madge

Deceased RIP
Aug 27, 2007
East Yorks
Funster No
Van Conversion
Too Long
My little man in South Cave, East Yorkshire can carry out MOT checks on the largest of motorhomes/ARV's.

So if anybody in the area needs an MOT doing he's your man.

He's situated just off the A63 turn off at South Cave.

Automotive Repair
Unit 1&2 Stonepit Road Industrial Est.
South Cave, Brough.
East Yorks.
HU15 2BZ

Te. 01430 421999
Fax. 01430 421555

I have no connection with him other than a very satisfied customer.


PS. If this post is in the wrong place I apologise.

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