I would like the Forums opinion on the Fiammi type external security lock, the aluminium block that swivels foward to prevent a door being opened.
My Pilote Galaxy A Class only has a RH drivers door and a LH habitation door. The drivers door has the external security lock. I am concerned that I would not be able to use that door as an emergency exit, fire of an accident jamming the rear door for instance.
Of course one would always intend to ensure the security lock was only locked when the van was parked and empty. However, as we tend to come in and out of the habitation door it would easy to forget.
My Pilote Galaxy A Class only has a RH drivers door and a LH habitation door. The drivers door has the external security lock. I am concerned that I would not be able to use that door as an emergency exit, fire of an accident jamming the rear door for instance.
Of course one would always intend to ensure the security lock was only locked when the van was parked and empty. However, as we tend to come in and out of the habitation door it would easy to forget.