Alarm/Imobiliser certification (1 Viewer)

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Deleted User
Just a quickie!

I wonder if any body knows of a company that can certificate an existing Cat 1/2 alarm imobiliser in the Lincolnshire/Nottinghamshire area. We need a certificate/letter just to state that it is all working OK to benefit from a large discount on the insurance.

It seems that the fears about Transliesure in Newark going to the wall are true so our most obvious point of call is defunct.

ALSO.. anbody have any experience of fitting solar panel(s) when there is a Heart interface involved in the equation? I would like to think that the Heart would have something to do with the regulation unless anyone can tell me otherwise.

Thanks in anticipation.

Mike and Jill.


Deleted User
Cheers Dave,

I'll give him a call tomorrow!


Free Member
Oct 14, 2007
Funster No
I cannot help with finding a dealer to do that but last year I needed proof that a Sigma SG 30 a class 1 alarm that I had fitted years ago. Unless I got this I could not get insurance on a car collectors policy.
I found a Sigma dealer who said he would check it out and if Ok give a new cert the best bit it only cost £25.

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