What is this? I don't have a clue! It's located on the ceiling in our van.
Since we took ownership of the van in July one of the interior dome lights hasn't worked despite swapping out the GU4 halogen bulb for LED! So yesterday I decided to take the light fitting down to investigate further - it seems others have done the same in its 20 year history, the tell tail signs are there
Anyway, there was no voltage on the wires and it was clear to see why - a spade connector that had been held on by black tape had parted, I'll be soldering a replacement today. I have ordered a replacement by Dream Lighting mainly to provide more light.
When screwing fittings to the ceiling, what exactly am I screwing into - feels like polystyrene or similar!
Since we took ownership of the van in July one of the interior dome lights hasn't worked despite swapping out the GU4 halogen bulb for LED! So yesterday I decided to take the light fitting down to investigate further - it seems others have done the same in its 20 year history, the tell tail signs are there
Anyway, there was no voltage on the wires and it was clear to see why - a spade connector that had been held on by black tape had parted, I'll be soldering a replacement today. I have ordered a replacement by Dream Lighting mainly to provide more light.
When screwing fittings to the ceiling, what exactly am I screwing into - feels like polystyrene or similar!