Tracker Woes!!! (1 Viewer)

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Oct 28, 2023
Funster No
Chausson 728eb
When we bought our Chausson, the insurers (Comfort) required us to have a Thatcham rated tracker fitted. Called "Tracker Shop" and they suggested that the Scorpion S7 would meet our needs. Had it fitted at the dealers before handover and it activated ok.

Fast forward to 3 weeks ago and we took the motorhome to get the VB semi-air fitted. As soon as I started moving, my phone rang and it was Scorpion advising me that the vehicle was moving without the engine running. This went the case as it was clearly running. Stopped off for lunch en-route and as soon as we moved off afterwards the same thing happened again. To their credit, Scorpion recognised that there might be a problem and advised me to call the installer. I did this and they arranged to have a technician meet me at our storage to either reconnect the ignition signal wire or replace what might be a faulty unit.......great service I was thinking.

"Technician" duly arrives in a van plastered with graphics saying "auto electrician" but seriously looking like it had been in a destruction didn't win. Half the lights didn't work on his van and I honestly thought it was maybe a bad idea, but, I have known a few really good builders who never got around to finishing their own places.

For over two hours this guy pulled random panels off my dashboard in an effort to locate the original tracker but to no avail. He seemed somewhat put out by my suggestion that he got in contact with the original installer and eventually caved and did so. The original installer had no recollection of fitting the tracker to our vehicle which did concern me a bit.......he later phoned back and said he'd given the job to his son!
Guy on site then manages to contact the son who also has no recollection of the installation or where the tracker might be!

By this time almost all of my dash and most of the plastic panels `round the dash had been removed or prised open. I did ask the guy if he did many Ducato based motorhomes and he claimed he did loads all the time, but, he didn't seem to have much clue as to how to remove the panels.
Only option open was to fit a new tracker and get scorpion to de-activate the old one. This he duly did and I left him to it once I had seen where the new tracker was going (he didn't want to tell me).

I was sorting stuff out in the rear bedroom while he was working but was glad when he had finished and locked up after checking the new unit showed up on the app.

Went to get the motorhome out last Thursday to go to Newbury and found I had no fan or aircon (both were working when we last used it) And now we find the tracker is not giving real time tracking while I'm driving which is, for us, essential (I'm partly disabled and the wife needs to know where I am incase I have an issue).

So, this week I've got to go back to the motorhome and Trackershop are sending their "head engineer" to sort this issue out. We have lost all confidence in the Scorpion product and so we have the option of having the unit replaced with either a Smart track or Meta unit.
Does anyone have experience of either?

I thought this motor homing lark was supposed to be relaxing!!!!
Oct 28, 2022
Funster No
I feel for you, had similar bad experience.

Sadly we are dictated to by insurance companies for trackers.

Trackers, air suspension, levelers, etc etc, all on top of a chassis built by Fiat then adopted by the MH builder - its worrying as the wiring looms are so complex - just look at your vehicle battery…..

And yet with so many differing entities dibbing in, its a wonder anything works…

When we had VB air fitted by SAP, we were just about to leave but Mick said hang on, ive not re-connected your auto mirrors… he did, otherwise similar issue…

I am just taking up with Rapido why i have three air tubes coming of the heater/ aircon, but going nowhere, just open ended into the engine bay? Awaiting their response.

With the tracker my wife kicked off so much that they sent their A team fitter, and he replaced tracker and now all works..

Ps we were getting tracking, but journeys were broken down into many many short trips….somehow it thought we had stopped, even with stop/start disabled….
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