Some newbie questions (1 Viewer)

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Deleted User
Hi all,

Last summer I managed to take a 3 month sabbatical :Smile:, did a bit of a Euro tour and loved it so much I'm going to try and do the same next year. This time though, rather than ram my poor little Toyota Yaris with camping gear I'd quite like to take a campervan. So, my stupid newbie questions:

Is it crazy to hire a campervan for 3 months? I've had a look online and the prices look (to me) so high that I may as well buy one.

If I bought one my priorities would be (1) reliable (2) saleable at the end of my trip. I don't need anything big, something like a high-top VW T25 looks about right to me. What would people recommend? I'm not hung up on having to have a 'cool' VW but that's about the only campervan I know :Blush:. I guess my budget would be around £5k.

Thanks very much,

Jul 20, 2007
Funster No
A Class
Since 1999
Hi Gus
First off, welcome to our friendly website matey :thumb:
I am not the best person to advise regarding small vans as we have an American RV, but we do have several members with some terrific smaller vans that should be along soon and be better able to advise you. I would agree regarding buying a van rather than a) stuffing a car full of stuff or b) renting one. I would think that if you are quick you should still be able to buy a van quite cheaply before the season really gets going and folks start to ask silly money for their vehicles :whatthe: Just be careful what you buy and get it checaked out as best as possible before handing over any cash. I do believe that panel van conversios are less prone to water ingress than coach built but here my knowledge gets thin I'm afraid.
I do hope that you are able to get some useful info here and that you manage to get a decent van to go travelling with :thumb:

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Free Member
Jul 29, 2007
Funster No
'A' Class RV &
Is it crazy to hire a campervan for 3 months? I've had a look online and the prices look (to me) so high that I may as well buy one.

If I bought one my priorities would be (1) reliable (2) saleable at the end of my trip. I don't need anything big, something like a high-top VW T25 looks about right to me. What would people recommend? I'm not hung up on having to have a 'cool' VW but that's about the only campervan I know :Blush:. I guess my budget would be around £5k.

Thanks very much,


Is it crazy to hire a Motorhome for 3 months? - Yes

1. Most older ones nowadays are pretty reliable. Have had a 1992 1.9 Fiat Dethleffs for a year. Just replaced it with a 1989 2.5TD Talbot Kontiki. Both have around 90,000 miles on the clock and both have been VERY reliable if a little noisy.
2. There is always a market if you sell at the right price and at the right time.

£5,000 will be pushing it. But not impossible. If you go for a converted van? Then you should be able to get a decent one for your budget. Happy hunting. :winky:
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Deleted User
Thanks everyone for the warm welcome and the good advice, I will start thinking about buying.

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