Looking for advice on replacement leisure batteries, please.
I think my factory-fitted AGM leisure batteries have given up at less than three years of little use and I’m looking at replacing with something other than AGM. The EBL 30 only has settings for gel and AGM, so the simple question is whether I should therefore avoid lead-acid and restrict my search to gel. I’m obviously concerned that the EBL’s two charging profiles are not good for lead-acid batteries.
Thanks in advance.
I think my factory-fitted AGM leisure batteries have given up at less than three years of little use and I’m looking at replacing with something other than AGM. The EBL 30 only has settings for gel and AGM, so the simple question is whether I should therefore avoid lead-acid and restrict my search to gel. I’m obviously concerned that the EBL’s two charging profiles are not good for lead-acid batteries.
Thanks in advance.