Plastic Storage (1 Viewer)

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Free Member
Jun 24, 2008
Funster No
A Happy One
Since 2005
Don't pay out for expensive storage boxes.

I cut the tops off my plastic milk cartons. They cut easily with scissors.

The 2 pinter base stores cup a soups.

The 4 pinter base holds packs of Savoury Rice, Pasta in Sauce Mixes, Custard Packs.

The 6 pinter base is in a bottom cupboard for cloths and dog spoon.

I have also cut the tops off 'square' water bottles. I can stack variety cereal packs in them and they don't fall out of the cupboard.

Our bathroom cabinet at home has bandages, plasters, tablets each lined up in milk bottle bottoms.

The bathroom cabinet in the van has milk cartons cut down from above the handle so I have left a handle to lift them out and a low front to put things in.

Similar milk cartons (cut to leave a handle) hold paint brushes being cleaned in our garage.

I even designed a Pooper Scoop by cutting the base off. leaving a handle and scoop shape. A stick cat be used to 'flick' onto the scoop.

The best part when I need a new container I only wait until the milk is finished.


Deleted User
great idea - used the cut down milk bottles in bathroom cupboard and stuck them to cupboard with a bit of sticky velcro so they dont move about . any other useful storage solutions ?::bigsmile:

Happy Hippy

Free Member
May 16, 2010
In my bus
Funster No
Scruffy old bus
Full time since April 2007, part time since early 80's
In every live-in vehicle I've ever had I've always used a milk crate, with handles sawn off and the base screwed into the bottom of a cupboard - perfect for storing round things like tins and bottles that I don't want rolling around when I'm driving :Smile:

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