Newark show (1 Viewer)

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Nov 21, 2011
Funster No
Autotrail Savanah
Since 2009
With a week gone since we attended the first rally of the new year at Newark I have finally
found the time to provide some feed back. Although we have been 'in the club" for several years we had often talked about attending a rally but always seemed to make excuses (for one reason or another). We arrived at the show at Newark last Friday and received a really friendly greeting from Jock (complete with name badges) and were then invited to find a pitch on the funster area, we set up and then went for a wander around the show, had dinner in the van then decided to join the many others in the Pig and a whistle for a bee and karaoke . What a laugh and I would have to say a big thank you to UK Bill and Jim and Sian who ensured we had a very memorable night.

For all you funsters wandering if rallies are for you I would say give it a go, it is not full of weirdos , clicks or odd bods!!! Just like minded people who are happy to engage in conversation if you so wish but will also respect your privacy if thats what you want. For June and I we certainly intend to be regulars and hope to meet many of you in the future.

Ps We also had the added bonus of winning a deluxe gas BBQ which was the icing on an excellent weekend.R

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