A friend of mine runs a Motorhome forum in Sweden, and he's just sent me a map that he says might come in handy for any Funsters visiting Scandinavia.
Don't worry too much about the language. A Green icon: A place where you can "drive over" and empty grey . Orange: Empty your cassette
Both colours: have a guess. I'm told the Scandinavia points are pretty much all there and they have only just started adding the others in the rest of Europe
Looks pretty good and well worth bookmarking.
Don't worry too much about the language. A Green icon: A place where you can "drive over" and empty grey . Orange: Empty your cassette
Both colours: have a guess. I'm told the Scandinavia points are pretty much all there and they have only just started adding the others in the rest of Europe
Looks pretty good and well worth bookmarking.
Tömningsplatser Husbil – Google My Maps
Viktig information Den här kartan uppdateras inte längre Länk till den nya kartan finner du längre ner Important information This map is not updated anymore Link to a new map below https://husbilsplatser.husbilsklubben.se/
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