Multi driver insurance? (1 Viewer)

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Jul 5, 2023
Funster No
Dethleffs Trend
I purchased our Dethleffs Trend earlier this year with the idea that our kids and families could also use it on occasion (C1 not required of course). One of them has used it this year and I added him as a named driver on our muilt-vehicle policy with LV.

It's now renewal time now and with other family members likely to want to take it away next year I'm looking at what options might be available - and a better price if possible.

Short-term, per-incident insurance doesn't seem to be an option (silly prices even when they quote) so wondering if anyone else shares their MoHo across the family and how do you go on for insurance.

I am in the process of getting a quote via AIB but not very hopeful they'll be competitive based on their initial feedback.

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