This is our 'First Night/Last Night' parking spot whenever we use the Portsmouth/Caen ferry.
It's not an Aire but a car park in the centre of Lion sur Mer which is about three miles from the Port.
In other words it's far enough away for you to not be bothered by persons wanting a free lift.
The Sat Nav Co-ords are; N49.30174 W0.31316 and is situated in Rue de General Gallieni.
On arrival at the village, the Sat Nav sends you down typical narrow village streets, (one way system) and into the Car Park
where 'Camping Cars' are allowed to stay between the hours of 20.00hrs to 10.00hrs therefore
making it ideal as a night stop before the morning ferry or a night stop after arriving on the
afternoon ferry. The car park is one step away from the pedestrian promenade with direct access
onto 'Sword' Beach.
My Camperstop Europe guide describes the car park as noisy which is something that we have never
found although I have to admit I have not used it in 'Season.'
It's not an Aire but a car park in the centre of Lion sur Mer which is about three miles from the Port.
In other words it's far enough away for you to not be bothered by persons wanting a free lift.
The Sat Nav Co-ords are; N49.30174 W0.31316 and is situated in Rue de General Gallieni.
On arrival at the village, the Sat Nav sends you down typical narrow village streets, (one way system) and into the Car Park
where 'Camping Cars' are allowed to stay between the hours of 20.00hrs to 10.00hrs therefore
making it ideal as a night stop before the morning ferry or a night stop after arriving on the
afternoon ferry. The car park is one step away from the pedestrian promenade with direct access
onto 'Sword' Beach.
My Camperstop Europe guide describes the car park as noisy which is something that we have never
found although I have to admit I have not used it in 'Season.'