looking for ideas into why my leisure battery is not charging. Adria Matrix SL 670, Plugged into mains and getting power, battery Reading 11.3V and not increasing. Was planning on leaving it plugged in overnight until I found a fuse in the main Electrobloc fairly well melted. It’s a 25 amp fuse in a slot marked F7 (25A) int. charger.
One side of the fuse has the plastic around it melted but the fuse was is not blown.
The side of fuse holder that was in contact with the melted side of the fuse is slightly darker in colour I assume from heat and the Electrobloc unit is riveted together so can’t check for loose connection underneath.
The fuse was also very difficult to remove and definitely inserted fully.
looking for ideas into why my leisure battery is not charging. Adria Matrix SL 670, Plugged into mains and getting power, battery Reading 11.3V and not increasing. Was planning on leaving it plugged in overnight until I found a fuse in the main Electrobloc fairly well melted. It’s a 25 amp fuse in a slot marked F7 (25A) int. charger.
One side of the fuse has the plastic around it melted but the fuse was is not blown.
The side of fuse holder that was in contact with the melted side of the fuse is slightly darker in colour I assume from heat and the Electrobloc unit is riveted together so can’t check for loose connection underneath.
The fuse was also very difficult to remove and definitely inserted fully.