KleenAir Diesel Saving Module (1 Viewer)

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Oct 15, 2007
Fareham Hampshire
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14 years
This is being advertised in the Jan 2009 issue of C&CC magazine. They claim up to 15% saving in fuel - yes I know that up to means anything from .1% upwards! Does anyone have any experience of this module.
Their website suggests that the Company is well respected. Here's a link if anyone is interested:
Link Removed

Any info would be appreciated


Free Member
Aug 9, 2008
Funster No
This is being advertised in the Jan 2009 issue of C&CC magazine. They claim up to 15% saving in fuel - yes I know that up to means anything from .1% upwards! Does anyone have any experience of this module.
Their website suggests that the Company is well respected. Here's a link if anyone is interested:
Link Removed

Any info would be appreciated

Well, ISO 9001 is a standard of 'Quality Management', not a 'Manufacturing Standard'. It is not uncommon to read of things being manufactured to ISO 9001 but this is misleading to people who do not know what it is. It is not a bad thing of course but has a lot to do with allowing companies with the ISO 9001 accreditation to present themselves as being 'good' as much as being good.

Is this 'module' anything other than a supplementary EMU ( engine management unit ) is it any different from having your engine's emu 'chipped'?

Do the manufacturers emu's not provide the best compromise for 'performance / economy?

Do *you* think it is probably worth the money?

I didn't look at the price.............. mostly just my opinion this: :Smile:


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