Me again! The trouble is, once you've looked at Hymers, it's hard to then look at other motorhomes, isn't it. But then you all know that, that's basically what you were saying in reply to my last post. Since then DH (dear husband) has been looking at the possibility of putting a 4 post lift on the driveway- seriously! You just don't get the same quality in a UK motorhome do you?
So I'm confused right now. Can you help with the difference between the models of Hymer? I know the numbers are all about size, layout etc, but the difference between the B one we saw and the Starline we viewed yesterday- beautiful inside but rotten floor. The owner said as it was on a Merc (very rusty chassis) it was their premium range. It was on a 'T' reg and the B class was obviously newer. We have a '55' plate one to see hopefully tomorrow, so it'd be good to understand.
And BTW, thank you for helping and being patient. We've found this journey harder than buying a house
So I'm confused right now. Can you help with the difference between the models of Hymer? I know the numbers are all about size, layout etc, but the difference between the B one we saw and the Starline we viewed yesterday- beautiful inside but rotten floor. The owner said as it was on a Merc (very rusty chassis) it was their premium range. It was on a 'T' reg and the B class was obviously newer. We have a '55' plate one to see hopefully tomorrow, so it'd be good to understand.
And BTW, thank you for helping and being patient. We've found this journey harder than buying a house