The message is in the title.
Went to our X244 (1999-2006) Hobby this evening to lock it up.
Put the key in the ignition in our to turn on the power to close the front windows and, the key turned about half way
to turning the ignition on but no further.
Anyone had such a glitch and if so, (I'm sitting down!) What was the outcome.
As an aside we are covered for breakdowns at home through Nationwide.
The operative tried to tell me that 'Purpose Built motorhomes are not covered.
She stated that as I had answered 'Yes' to that question I was not covered. I tried to tell her that the
question was just to confirm that the vehicle was allowed to be up to 7.5 tonnes laden and up to
8 Mts. long but she was having none of it.
I asked when that restriction had occurred and also pointed out that, about 12 months ago they
had ferried me home as a result of an exhaust problem.
All she did was to reiterate that we were not covered.
I politely requested that she consult with someone in a managerial position and further pointed out that, if I
had to seek assistance elsewhere and had to pay for it, there would be a complaint made and redress would be demanded for the
assistance I required.
A short time later she rang back to confirm that the vehicle was covered and the conditions allowing motorhomes had changed
recently and she had not been told. Pure poppycock as I have previously stated they recovered me 12 months ago.
Went to our X244 (1999-2006) Hobby this evening to lock it up.
Put the key in the ignition in our to turn on the power to close the front windows and, the key turned about half way
to turning the ignition on but no further.
Anyone had such a glitch and if so, (I'm sitting down!) What was the outcome.
As an aside we are covered for breakdowns at home through Nationwide.
The operative tried to tell me that 'Purpose Built motorhomes are not covered.
She stated that as I had answered 'Yes' to that question I was not covered. I tried to tell her that the
question was just to confirm that the vehicle was allowed to be up to 7.5 tonnes laden and up to
8 Mts. long but she was having none of it.
I asked when that restriction had occurred and also pointed out that, about 12 months ago they
had ferried me home as a result of an exhaust problem.
All she did was to reiterate that we were not covered.
I politely requested that she consult with someone in a managerial position and further pointed out that, if I
had to seek assistance elsewhere and had to pay for it, there would be a complaint made and redress would be demanded for the
assistance I required.
A short time later she rang back to confirm that the vehicle was covered and the conditions allowing motorhomes had changed
recently and she had not been told. Pure poppycock as I have previously stated they recovered me 12 months ago.