hello there, I initially joined your group to ask this question, and really pleased I have. lots of help etc. Anyway I have a question regarding a Certificate of Conformity. We have a Peaugot Autocruise StarDreamer X reg, from 2000. We have spent a lot of time travelling in her, a proper little star. We have now re located to Portugal. We want to keep her with us and are trying to go through the process of matriculation. One of the first stumbling blocks with have come across is getting the COC. Obviously Autocruise from 2000 are no more. I have been trying to contact the swift group, no replies. (obviously there are delays at the mo due to covid 19) I have tried to contact Peugot. No hope of help there at the moment either. I have contacted companies who can get you a coc for a fee, happy to pay, but they cannot supply one for a motorhome. I have been told that they only began to be issued in and around 2000. so not even sure if one was ever issued. but we bought her in 2011. I have also been told that if I can produce the original sales brochure then this can replace the coc. so firstly, any one got any experience with the coc and or ideas?? and my other question is by any chance does someone have that brochure and could email me a copy?? I have found other threads on your site but they are from 2008. Thank you soooo much in advance xx