I currently have the rear-view dashcam in our 2015 Ducato plugged into fuse F51 on the dashboard fusebox which means it is switched off with the ignition. I am using a piggyback fuse adapter supplied by AUTO-VOX to match the dashcam.
In order to use the collison detect and record functionality of the dashcam, I need to connect to a permanently live fuse, However having spent a happy half hour testing all the fuses with my mulitimeter, I can't seem to find one
Probably post Xmas brain fog!
Has anyone with the same fusebox layout as my van (see photos attached) connected a device to a permanently live fuse and can tell me its number pretty please?
In order to use the collison detect and record functionality of the dashcam, I need to connect to a permanently live fuse, However having spent a happy half hour testing all the fuses with my mulitimeter, I can't seem to find one

Probably post Xmas brain fog!
Has anyone with the same fusebox layout as my van (see photos attached) connected a device to a permanently live fuse and can tell me its number pretty please?