Eurotunnel Latest Info (1 Viewer)

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Sep 25, 2007
Funster No
5th Wheel
Thought I’d pass on our experience with Eurotunnel over the weekend for those whose crossing is imminent.
Ffiona and I were booked on the 4.20 Saturday afternoon crossing and as we’ve only got a week over here, we were worried about being massively delayed. We turned up at Ashford at about 2.35 Saturday afternoon after a pretty good journey down from Cheshire (apart from the usually halfwit tintops who think you can stop a 42foot “train” on a tanner!
M25 anti clockwise was busier than we’re used to but not surprising as we usually do a midnight crossing! ::bigsmile:
Usually, turning up at the tunnel a couple of hours early is no problem and in the past, for us at least, has ALWAYS meant getting across earlier than planned, which is great. However, due to the delays (1 train every 2 hours) we had to wait until our properly allotted time (4.20) which was fine as it meant in effect that we got away with no delay what so ever. The check in staff were most apologetic and we did our best to assure them that, under the circumstances, we fully understood. As we pulled onto the queue area, we along with our friends caravan, were the only 2 ‘vans on the whole waiting area for nearly an hour! Dougal (our cat) thought that was great cos he could have a good mooch without standing the risk of being flattened! ::bigsmile:
Sure enough, we departed exactly on time in a train that was ONLY JUST half full. People are obviously still staying away and making alternative arrangements which was great for us because, as people with no sea legs what-so-ever, the ferry is an absolute NO-NO!!!!!!:Eeek:
Journey time was about 40 minutes which is not that much longer than normal but just enough for a nice kip in the ‘van on the way over! :thumb:
There was no smell of smoke or burning as has been reported on the internet and it was all very smooth, efficient and fast.
We’re now safely ensconsed on Camping St Paul at Lyons La Foret, Normandy for a week and the forecast for the week is lovely so we’re all four of us looking forward to some SERIOUS chill out time!
Hope the above puts your mind at rest re schedules.
All the best
Paul & ffiona.

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