Damp (1 Viewer)

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Deleted User
Bought A New Bessacarr E495 Back In March And Is Now Showing Patches Of Damp On Ceiling Above Kitchen Area. Very Dissapointed, Do Not Expect This With A New Van And Told By Dealers It Has To Go Back To Swift For New Ceilng And To Find Cause, With Which I Am Not Happy With As Will Be Without Van For A Few Weeks, Wondering If Anybody Has Had Similar Problem.
Apr 30, 2008
South Beds
Funster No
27yrs ish
Bought A New Bessacarr E495 Back In March And Is Now Showing Patches Of Damp On Ceiling Above Kitchen Area. Very Dissapointed, Do Not Expect This With A New Van And Told By Dealers It Has To Go Back To Swift For New Ceilng And To Find Cause, With Which I Am Not Happy With As Will Be Without Van For A Few Weeks, Wondering If Anybody Has Had Similar Problem.
Best option is for it to go back to factory as they have full knowledge.
Mine did, although another make. Took them a month to fix-- drying out takes time.
I got train tickets to deliver and collect (including wife); rather than low loader-- Plus upgrades etc depends if you are retired and distance involved.
Also get the use of another MH-- Dealers have loads of part exs.
Just think of the benifits. Anything else you need? Have a good think
Be possitive and polite. I'ts your call.!!
Which Dealer?
Mine was okay with a bit of a push; as was the maker. MH was in i'ts 4th year too.
Good Luck.


Dec 27, 2007
Funster No
A class
Can't remember ;)
Hi smeg,you should'nt be too long as Swift monitor this site.:thumb:Hopefully your dealer sounds like he is on top of it as well:Smile:

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