We picked up 2 windscreen chips on our winter trip to Spain / Portugal this year. Not too bad but there were little cracks behind both so I finally decided to sort it out a couple of weeks ago. We are insured by Aviva so contacted Carglass, their partner here in France. They immediately said they don't do A Class screens so I asked Aviva who to use. They said try Mondial who have a local agent. Mondial also declined to work on an A Class so I tried Help Parebrise, the company who are partnered with the FFCC; a national club for camping car users. Help Parebrise are also specialists in windscreens for tractors, buses etc. This morning 2 men arrived with an original Pilote screen (I was offered the option of a secondary market replacement) and carried out the repair on our drive. Payment will be direct between Help Parebrise and Aviva. All communications were by email / photographs and telephone. Fortunately the contact at Help Parebrise spoke some English and plugged the gaps in my non-technical French. Begs the question "What do you do if you suffer a badly broken screen on holiday?"