Have carried out a search here but have not found the answer. In early December we drained the Bailey 620 Approach ready for the winter. Van is stored indoors but it still gets quite cold in there. Drained the Truma boiler by lifting the yellow drain valve to vertical and also ensured the water holding tank was empty by unscrewing the plug from the inspection hatch.
Today we drove to the coast for three days and as we knew we could get water on site, we didn’t fill up where the van’s stored. Filled up at the site turned the Truma drain valve to horizontal and heated some water. Filled the kettle, washed hands etc and all seemed well untilI came to wash up after supper. Turned tap on but there was nothing. No pump noise, no water. Checked the water level and it was 0%. I had put over 80litres in earlier.
Added a further 60 litres and as there was water (for a while) the pump worked but in 5 minutes was down to 30 Litres. It is dar now and peeing down but I had a look under the van with a torch and could see a steady trickle of water that seemed to be running down a little chain, similar to one connected to the bung in the fresh water tank. It doesn’t follow that the leak is connected to the chain; it may be that the water runs down the chain being the lowest point.
We can manage for the three days by using a 5 litre bottle to fill the kettle and can hand wash ok but we do need to get it sorted. I may be able to see more in the morning but wonder whether there may be something I’ve overlooked.
Suggestions welcome. Thanks.
Today we drove to the coast for three days and as we knew we could get water on site, we didn’t fill up where the van’s stored. Filled up at the site turned the Truma drain valve to horizontal and heated some water. Filled the kettle, washed hands etc and all seemed well untilI came to wash up after supper. Turned tap on but there was nothing. No pump noise, no water. Checked the water level and it was 0%. I had put over 80litres in earlier.
Added a further 60 litres and as there was water (for a while) the pump worked but in 5 minutes was down to 30 Litres. It is dar now and peeing down but I had a look under the van with a torch and could see a steady trickle of water that seemed to be running down a little chain, similar to one connected to the bung in the fresh water tank. It doesn’t follow that the leak is connected to the chain; it may be that the water runs down the chain being the lowest point.
We can manage for the three days by using a 5 litre bottle to fill the kettle and can hand wash ok but we do need to get it sorted. I may be able to see more in the morning but wonder whether there may be something I’ve overlooked.
Suggestions welcome. Thanks.