Australia Bans Rude Campervans (1 Viewer)

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Sep 12, 2007
Funster No
Campervans ordered off road Down Under

A campervan rental company in Australia has been forced to remove sexist slogans from the sides of its iconic vehicles by the Advertising Standards Board.

Wicked Campers hires budget, graffiti-sprayed campervans to travellers from depots around Australia, but complaints have been made about some of its more controversial paint jobs.

Vans adorned with overtly sexist the phrases have been deemed offensive and must be withdrawn.

Complaints against other slogans have been made but not upheld due to lack of visual evidence. One British couple driving a van painted with the phrase “Save a Whale – Harpoon a Jap” have become minor celebrities, appearing in local newspapers debating the potentially racist nature of the vehicle.

Andy and Jo Roper from Reading did not choose the van but said they would have done so if given the opportunity.

“If Japanese people are offended they should think about why it’s being written,” Jo Roper told the Brisbane Times. “It’s there to start debate about what’s happening to the whales.”

Despite escalating fuel prices, campervanning is surging in popularity, with a 3.5% growth in new registrations of motorhomes in the UK in the first five months of 2008. For advice on planning your own campervan odyssey – without the controversy – see the latest issue of Wanderlust, in newsagents now.


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Tony Lee

Free Member
Sep 28, 2008
Funster No
The wicked vans ARE pretty grotty looking and the perception is that those driving them are of similarly grotty habits. Whether that is true or not, there are reports here that some van parks are refusing entry to wicked vans just because they lower the general tone of the place.

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