20 days to the off (1 Viewer)

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Aug 4, 2007
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A class
20 Days and counting until we leave our home in Spain.going up the east side of France,then across Germany to Gorlitze , down to Auschwitch Back across northern Germany,Belgium Then on tunnel to UK.A week in N.Devon then to Dibles park campsite for Christmas,New year in Epernay then a slow trip back to Spain
Should take up to 2 months and hopefully only 1 campsite visit.
Thanks to all who posted on here to help me with the trip planning.So if you see a Spanish reg Hymer B574 on your travels give us a wave.::bigsmile:


Deleted User
20 Days and counting until we leave our home in Spain.going up the east side of France,then across Germany to Gorlitze , down to Auschwitch Back across northern Germany,Belgium Then on tunnel to UK.A week in N.Devon then to Dibles park campsite for Christmas,New year in Epernay then a slow trip back to Spain
Should take up to 2 months and hopefully only 1 campsite visit.
Thanks to all who posted on here to help me with the trip planning.So if you see a Spanish reg Hymer B574 on your travels give us a wave.::bigsmile:

Best off luck enjoy and have fun:thumb:

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