A few weeks ago the back lit LED to indicate 12v circuits active stopped working. A minor inconvenience as testing any of the lights showed if circuit was active or not.
Ive now just upgraded to lithium batteries and found that the 12v button as well as the indicator LED doesn't work although clicks in and out and sounds like it is working
The 12v circuits are all permanently live but it means I can't turn them off when van is parked up and not in use.
I did have all the wiring harness connectors unplugged when working on the batteries. (EBL etc)
Is the button failure timing a coincidence or related to the wiring harness reconnection (a bent pin on one of the connectors possibly?)
All other functions on the main panel are working correctly, battery gauges, solar charging, water pump, water tank levels etc
Ive now just upgraded to lithium batteries and found that the 12v button as well as the indicator LED doesn't work although clicks in and out and sounds like it is working
The 12v circuits are all permanently live but it means I can't turn them off when van is parked up and not in use.
I did have all the wiring harness connectors unplugged when working on the batteries. (EBL etc)
Is the button failure timing a coincidence or related to the wiring harness reconnection (a bent pin on one of the connectors possibly?)
All other functions on the main panel are working correctly, battery gauges, solar charging, water pump, water tank levels etc