Last few weeks not getting any ah from panels though generating a voltage( 200w flexi panels with Victron 75/15 mppt controller using iPhone for Bluetooth readings). 2x 85ah gel batteries a few years old. Voltage reading on controller for last few weeks only about 15v max. Readings that show some ah going to batteries was about 5 weeks ago with a panel voltage of 18v and more.
I seem to remember that the Victron controller needs a voltage from the panels at least 5v more than the battery state to operate, which may explain things. But if so wonder if that suggests panels ( about5 years old) need replacing?
I’ve tried the usual of switching off feed for from panels and to battery bank. Also tried disconnecting the connectors from panels on roof and wd40 and reconnecting. But today for instance showing 8v from the panels, Oah from panels and a battery state of 11.3 v( I dropped it down deliberately). Any thoughts appreciated as ever. Thanks
I seem to remember that the Victron controller needs a voltage from the panels at least 5v more than the battery state to operate, which may explain things. But if so wonder if that suggests panels ( about5 years old) need replacing?
I’ve tried the usual of switching off feed for from panels and to battery bank. Also tried disconnecting the connectors from panels on roof and wd40 and reconnecting. But today for instance showing 8v from the panels, Oah from panels and a battery state of 11.3 v( I dropped it down deliberately). Any thoughts appreciated as ever. Thanks