Came over to France on Saturday night and ended up at Cap Gris Nez (the less said about it having shelter from the wind the better). We had originally intended to head down the coast to Normandy and pootle about there but decided to head towards the Loire. It was still fairly wild all the way down but we averaged 22mpg going at 60 while we would expect 27 going through the middle of France at 65+. Obviously thoughts turned to the tyre pressures (ok) and this morning we realised we had the alde pump on but this was not a factor as the mpg has gone back to a normal 28.
20% loss driving through a storm is quite an overhead. I appreciate this wasn't scientific but was anyone else hit with such a decrease?
20% loss driving through a storm is quite an overhead. I appreciate this wasn't scientific but was anyone else hit with such a decrease?