Greetings funsters.
I am considering buying a Carthrgo from Germany and importing it to UK.
Gleamed a ton of information from you wonderful people here which I'm hugely grateful for.
There's still a few things outstanding before pulling the trigger.
Wondered if anyone can comment or help .
1. Does anyone know if there is a HPI check equivalent.
2. Dealer has told me that there's no accident damage with the Moho.
3. Transporting from dealer to Ferry port it under 3rd party insurance anyone found fully comp?
I am considering buying a Carthrgo from Germany and importing it to UK.
Gleamed a ton of information from you wonderful people here which I'm hugely grateful for.
There's still a few things outstanding before pulling the trigger.
Wondered if anyone can comment or help .
1. Does anyone know if there is a HPI check equivalent.
2. Dealer has told me that there's no accident damage with the Moho.
3. Transporting from dealer to Ferry port it under 3rd party insurance anyone found fully comp?