Help! Truma E514 H error (1 Viewer)

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Nosmo King

Free Member
Jul 17, 2018
Funster No
just arrived on site. 2nd time out. Error as above. Can any tell me the test procedure please?

Tried power off, reset on Truma display
No code on the Truma site...

Found this but doesn’t work:

  • A: Flashing Code E-514-H displayed in the Truma control panel is due to an incorrect shut down of the electrical system.
  • The heating system now requires turning off at Truma control before powering down the van or turning the main 12v master switch off.
  • In the event of a system code E-514-H displaying in the Truma control panel, keep the power on AND leave the control panel alone until this code stops flashing, this will take approximately 15 minutes. Once the code is ready press the Truma control panel button (large round button centred in the bottom section of the panel) twice to continue as normal.


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Oct 19, 2014
Lincolnshire, UK
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@Nosmo King

If I recall correctly...

Lift the removable small panel from the top of Truma heater...

There is a small white button .. next to a small flashing LED...

Press and hold the small button for 5 seconds to reset boiler panel...

You may have to do a reset on Truma panel too...

If so...

Press big button - choose the spanner - choose RESET - press button...

However, if not on EHU .. it will not pick up Electric heating - if you have it....

So will need to do another Reset when on EHU
Nosmo King

Nosmo King

Free Member
Jul 17, 2018
Funster No
John - thanks for the reply.

Apparently this is quite common and is caused by turning off the 230VAC supply to the MH before shutting the system down via the Truma controls. Considering that the EHU can be switched off for many reasons - overload / out of credit / short / earth fault etc then this would appear to be a design fault. I've written to Truma about this.

Anyway - if it does happen - you need to

1. Get back on to EHU and switch the Sargent panel back on
2. Reset the Truma using the menu to the spanner symbol - Reset then PR Reset. The system resets and the screen flickers
3. Try the heater - this will fail again and the E 514H will appear, flashing. This is what you need.
4. Leave the flashing E 514H message for 15 minutes (until the error code stops flashing and goes steady)
5. Press the big button on the Truma control panel twice as normal and start (hopefully) the warm air heater / water heater - on either gas / electric or both

Hope this helps someone!


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Jan 6, 2020
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Autosleeper Nuevo ES
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Thanks Nosmo King - this was a lifesaver for me. I feared a trip to the dealer to sort it out and didnt have time. We done for giving such clear instructions

Giddy Lynn

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Oct 27, 2015
Wakefield, West Yorks
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T-620 Ford Tribute
I'm a newbie
What a life saver this forum is....just had the same error code and couldn’t find anything helpful in the manual...and Im cold, alone in my van and in Salamancar Spain. I followed the instructions above and hey presto I have heat, brilliant. Although I have not been on ehu for a few days as I have been on aires and travelling everyday almost, and yet the heating was fine on gas this morning and previous days, so not sure why the error code. Many thanks.

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Free Member
May 23, 2021
Funster No
motor home
just arrived on site. 2nd time out. Error as above. Can any tell me the test procedure please?

Tried power off, reset on Truma display
No code on the Truma site...

Found this but doesn’t work:

  • A: Flashing Code E-514-H displayed in the Truma control panel is due to an incorrect shut down of the electrical system.
  • The heating system now requires turning off at Truma control before powering down the van or turning the main 12v master switch off.
  • In the event of a system code E-514-H displaying in the Truma control panel, keep the power on AND leave the control panel alone until this code stops flashing, this will take approximately 15 minutes. Once the code is ready press the Truma control panel button (large round button centred in the bottom section of the panel) twice to continue as normal.
May 7, 2016
West Sussex
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Malibu Van 640 LE K
Since 2003
I go caught by the 514 code yesterday but at first could not get the boiler to reset using the helpful advice above. It seems I was holding the boiler reset button for too long or too short a length of time. It was very difficult to see the red flashing led but in the dark I could see the flashing reflecting off the wires. What I was getting wrong was that you should only release the brown button when the the led is flashing orange, too soon or too long and the reset fails. I found this video helpful.

Lobey Dosser

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Feb 22, 2023
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Rapido 8094DF
I go caught by the 514 code yesterday but at first could not get the boiler to reset using the helpful advice above. It seems I was holding the boiler reset button for too long or too short a length of time. It was very difficult to see the red flashing led but in the dark I could see the flashing reflecting off the wires. What I was getting wrong was that you should only release the brown button when the the led is flashing orange, too soon or too long and the reset fails. I found this video helpful.

Absolutely perfect, my friend! Thank you.


Free Member
Apr 28, 2024
Funster No
swift escape
I go caught by the 514 code yesterday but at first could not get the boiler to reset using the helpful advice above. It seems I was holding the boiler reset button for too long or too short a length of time. It was very difficult to see the red flashing led but in the dark I could see the flashing reflecting off the wires. What I was getting wrong was that you should only release the brown button when the the led is flashing orange, too soon or too long and the reset fails. I found this video helpful.

Great video fixing boiler such a simple solution thanks a million

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