So, having had the new Van for three months now, was thinking about whether to do a service plan Or not, as it fixes the price and you then know what future costs will be.
Have just spoken to Desira, at Bury St Edmunds, (although you get put through to a central office), and they said they do one for the first three services. 2 year, 4 years and 6 years which includes the auxiliary belts. For £1,825.62, or £28per month.
Now, I know modern oils.....etc, but I’m still old school, and like to change the oil at least every year.
Have also just spoke to Guest at Peterborough, and they are also going to put a plan together for me, but to also include a annual oil change as well. I have to say, the chap I spoke to at Guest, was so much more helpful and informative.
so, what are people’s thoughts on service plans? Anyone bother with them Here?
With prices going upwards every year, and our plan is to keep this Van long term, it just sort of makes some sense to fix the prices and future proof future Outlay.
any comments gratefully received, before I sign anything
Have just spoken to Desira, at Bury St Edmunds, (although you get put through to a central office), and they said they do one for the first three services. 2 year, 4 years and 6 years which includes the auxiliary belts. For £1,825.62, or £28per month.
Now, I know modern oils.....etc, but I’m still old school, and like to change the oil at least every year.
Have also just spoke to Guest at Peterborough, and they are also going to put a plan together for me, but to also include a annual oil change as well. I have to say, the chap I spoke to at Guest, was so much more helpful and informative.
so, what are people’s thoughts on service plans? Anyone bother with them Here?
With prices going upwards every year, and our plan is to keep this Van long term, it just sort of makes some sense to fix the prices and future proof future Outlay.
any comments gratefully received, before I sign anything