DVD playback (1 Viewer)

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May 5, 2022
Kidsgrove, North Staffordshire.
Funster No
Hymer B778 PL
Since 1992
I have a collection of films and tv series on DVD which we watch on an evening when there is nothing else going on.

What I have noticed in our present motorhome is the sound quality is poor. The DVD's are ones we have not watched before so we cannot compare to the player at home.

What happens to the sound when there is no background music/chatter and no dialogue from the main players the sound just stops to utter silence. When a person speaks it comes back on but the first nanosecond is missed. It is very annoying.

Question is. Is my factory fitted 6 year old Alphatronics tv with built in player going duff or is that how DVD's are because they are mass produced.


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Jun 1, 2019
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Compass C-Class
I'm a Progressing Newbie
Have you got an old DVD handy for comparison?
Maybe your DVD player has a fault.

Some DVD will be just stereo or some will have several audio choices. Like Stereo, some surround sound options (Dolby Digital, DTS, etc.), language choices, etc.
There hasn’t been a change in audio formats DVDs come with that I’m aware of for several years.
Digressing, Blu-ray has some extra surround sound options.
But it would be a rare state to get into with the DVD disk and built in player putting out audio the TV couldn’t play.
If your TV can’t decode surround sound it would get stereo.
Oh! Might be worth checking the DVD player part’s audio setup in the settings menu to see if it is on an odd setting.

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