It's 38C at the moment and our Charlie is feeling the heat. He has a cooling mat but it feels hot. I put him under a tap earlier but he soon dried. So I dug out his dog cooling coat. I tried it earlier on a walk in Corsica and it seemed to work well and didn't seem to bother him at all.
It's called a Prestige dog cooling coat but other makes do similar things. It is made out of a thick material which absorbs a lot of water. When it is dry it is rigid so you have to remember to fold it while it is still wet. You could wet it under a running tap but a small bucket is better.
Then fit to dog.
It works by the evaporating water cooling the contents of the coat. The walk on Corsica was about an hour and the coat was still wet at the end but once wet it is easily re-wetted from a bottle of water.
The drawback with it is being wet it isn't particularly practical inside the van but outside it works fine. Recommended for your hot dogs.
It's called a Prestige dog cooling coat but other makes do similar things. It is made out of a thick material which absorbs a lot of water. When it is dry it is rigid so you have to remember to fold it while it is still wet. You could wet it under a running tap but a small bucket is better.
Then fit to dog.
It works by the evaporating water cooling the contents of the coat. The walk on Corsica was about an hour and the coat was still wet at the end but once wet it is easily re-wetted from a bottle of water.
The drawback with it is being wet it isn't particularly practical inside the van but outside it works fine. Recommended for your hot dogs.