My van is currently parked up in its secure storage site, was last out for a run in it 2 weeks ago, only a drive as all campsites closed here in Scotland. I can monitor the vehicle battery remotely through my tracker (assume it’s approx accurate?) and its now down at 11.9v, it’s 0 degrees here. Given we are in complete lockdown for at least the next 4 weeks and we have a travel ban, the battery is obviously going to be flat/dead.
Apart from alarm and tracker eventually being disabled, will let Insurance company know, is there anything else I should be concerned about? Will the battery need replacing or will it recover sufficiently after being jump started by the breakdown company?
Thanks for any advice.
Apart from alarm and tracker eventually being disabled, will let Insurance company know, is there anything else I should be concerned about? Will the battery need replacing or will it recover sufficiently after being jump started by the breakdown company?
Thanks for any advice.