At Stoneleigh at the weekend, on Sunday evening, I was happily watching the end of a DVD when suddenly all the electrics shut off! Clearly a BMS had caused it at about 12.6 volts, to protect the batteries from being taken too low. It had been an overcast day with the solar not getting enough light to charge the batteries. My 2 Hankook 110amp hour lead acids are now 8 years old so are due for a change as they certainly died earlier than expected and it was sudden. I don't want to go for Lithium as too much will need changing to accommodate them eg B2B and mains charger and whatever else. The 2014 N & B Arto was built to use Gels so that is what I'm going to go for. Probably a couple of Exide ES1600's at £300 each delivered from Alpha Batteries.
My question is really how does the BMS in the Arto work? If one can take Gels down to a lower voltage, what use is that if the BMS cuts off at 12.6 volts. How do I change the BMS setting or is it sensed automatically as I believe the CBE mains charger is auto sensing?
Any other observations would be welcome! I need to get on with it as I have 10 days booked near a beach in North Devon in August with no EHU and if the weather is poor we will be in the dark!
Other relevant info:- We have 260 watts of solar in 2 panels each with their own Victron MPPT controllers and a Sterling 30 Amp B2B and a Victron Inverter.
My question is really how does the BMS in the Arto work? If one can take Gels down to a lower voltage, what use is that if the BMS cuts off at 12.6 volts. How do I change the BMS setting or is it sensed automatically as I believe the CBE mains charger is auto sensing?
Any other observations would be welcome! I need to get on with it as I have 10 days booked near a beach in North Devon in August with no EHU and if the weather is poor we will be in the dark!
Other relevant info:- We have 260 watts of solar in 2 panels each with their own Victron MPPT controllers and a Sterling 30 Amp B2B and a Victron Inverter.