Expensive food (1 Viewer)

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Aug 26, 2007
Dark side of the moon
Funster No
Since 2005
And yet another uninformed opinion from another "nay sayer" and non user. :doh:
I said it's what it looks like, not what it is.
We have one wetherspoons here and I have been in from time to time.
Frequented by the cast of 'shameless' from 9am when they open for breakfast.
Deadheads and pissheads and the top end of the bar is next to the toilets.....and don't you know it.
I've smelt cleaner public toilets at the end of a hot day.
I only go in on the occasional pub crawl....certainly not because I want to.


Aug 2, 2007
Lincs/Cambs border
Funster No
N+B Flair 8000i
Since May 05 (Ex Tuggers).
I said it's what it looks like, not what it is.
We have one wetherspoons here and I have been in from time to time.
Frequented by the cast of 'shameless' from 9am when they open for breakfast.
Deadheads and pissheads and the top end of the bar is next to the toilets.....and don't you know it.
I've smelt cleaner public toilets at the end of a hot day.
I only go in on the occasional pub crawl....certainly not because I want to.
Isn't that Scarborough all over John, ie, a sh1t hole? 🤷‍♂️

Jock. ;)


Apr 12, 2011
Langtoft, South Lincs
Funster No
WildAx Aurora FB [PVC]
Since 2015
unlikely to give a fair and reasoned view of their services, nor of their quality of food or ale
That's unfair...
Poor is poor.

I ordered my Tenessee burger at Drapers with an open mind.
£11.46 with a beer.

Honestly it was bad.
I wasn't expecting gourmet.
It was dry, bun verging on stale, meat bland and unseasoned.

I consider myself to be a fair judge of VFM regardless of price point.

Perhaps I made a poor menu choice.
Any recommendations?
I will possibly try Raymond Mays later in the week.
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Apr 12, 2011
Langtoft, South Lincs
Funster No
WildAx Aurora FB [PVC]
Since 2015
How do all the professional food testers on here know that McDonald's and weatherspoons isn't proper food and all this overpriced stuff is?
Depends of your definition of proper food is ?
Professionals ? Probably the answer is experience.

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May 31, 2015
Funster No
Ducato PVC
Getting Better
Honestly.. I dont think they actual care whether you do or not.. :ROFLMAO:

On average, McDonald's sells 2.5 billion hamburgers every year.

That equates to 75 McDonald's hamburgers sold every second, or 6.5 million hamburgers each day!

Your absolutely right Jim, there’s no hope for the future generation…
Mar 23, 2012
Funster No
c class
I think it's really strange anyone thinking that if they eat out the biggest thing they're paying for is the food. It's not it's the premises staff to serve it etc.
We had a couple of coffees a slice of cake and two apple juices yesterday in a cafe it was £16. Our self cooked dinner was free range corn fed roast chicken pigs in blankets roast spuds parsnips carrots etc and the ingredients cost less than the cafe and will do another two dinners!
When you eat out to me it's a treat and I expect to pay accordingly that's why we don't use spoons or McDonald's they're the places I would go for cheap functional food as I enjoy cooking there's no point. If I eat out for dinner I want to go somewhere with friends and it's entertainment as much as food I also want something that I'd struggle to cook or not think about cooking

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Aug 20, 2019
Funster No
Dethleffs Pulse
Motorhoming since 2020
How do all the professional food testers on here know that McDonald's and weatherspoons isn't proper food and all this overpriced stuff is?
Research. I've eaten in both those places in the past before becoming enlightened on the damage they do to health and the environment. I listen to a lot of science based podcasts about food and health and fitness and the environment because I love food but I also love my planet and want to live well in old age.
Aug 20, 2019
Funster No
Dethleffs Pulse
Motorhoming since 2020
Honestly.. I dont think they actual care whether you do or not.. :ROFLMAO:

On average, McDonald's sells 2.5 billion hamburgers every year.

That equates to 75 McDonald's hamburgers sold every second, or 6.5 million hamburgers each day!
Yep because they have huge advertising budgets which are impossible to ignore, the food is designed to be hyper palatable yet leaves you hungry an hour or so later because it's lacks any decent nutrients or fibre. Children are indoctrinated at a young age with happy meals and a lot of people just want cheap and convenient and don't look much further than that about what they do to their bodies or the planet.
Mar 23, 2012
Funster No
c class
Yep because they have huge advertising budgets which are impossible to ignore, the food is designed to be hyper palatable yet leaves you hungry an hour or so later because it's lacks any decent nutrients or fibre. Children are indoctrinated at a young age with happy meals and a lot of people just want cheap and convenient and don't look much further than that about what they do to their bodies or the planet.
I'm not sure it's totally the fault of the companies they supply what people want we should be better educated in what to eat. I think in terms of hygiene quality McDonald is actually probably very good certainly a lot better than a lot of people at home
Feb 16, 2013
Funster No
ambulance conversion
50 years
Research. I've eaten in both those places in the past before becoming enlightened on the damage they do to health and the environment. I listen to a lot of science based podcasts about food and health and fitness and the environment because I love food but I also love my planet and want to live well in old age.
Beef and bread is pretty much the same wherever you go.
Aug 20, 2019
Funster No
Dethleffs Pulse
Motorhoming since 2020
Beef and bread is pretty much the same wherever you go.
It's really not if you care to look into it. Most of what is sold as bread in fast food places and even supermarkets is an ultra processed food stuff containing a vast list of ingredients that are unrecognisable as food and it's making our population sick and putting a lot of pressure on the NHS. I tried to buy some real bread in asda the other day. Picked up a bakery unsliced 'wholemeal' loaf and there was palm fat and preservatives in it. Palm oil is causing rain forest destruction. Preservatives and emulsifiers are harmful to the gut microbiome. Re beef. Supermarket beef generally has very little flavour and depending on where it's from may have been fed on soya which also causes deforestation and effects the flavour and nutrients in the meat compared with grass fed beef. I tried some Dexter beef bought direct from the farmer a few years back and couldn't believe the flavour in the meat. It's more expensive but just so much more satisfying that you don't need to eat as much. Quality over quantity any day.

As I say I like my food so I have done extensive research and sampling before coming to these conclusions. Oh and homemade bread is best obviously but there are some decent supermarket loaves without addivites to be found but they always seem to sell out. It's almost like people actually do want to eat good food.
Aug 20, 2019
Funster No
Dethleffs Pulse
Motorhoming since 2020
I'm not sure it's totally the fault of the companies they supply what people want we should be better educated in what to eat. I think in terms of hygiene quality McDonald is actually probably very good certainly a lot better than a lot of people at home
Not doubting hygiene but I have to disagree about what people want. It's really not the free will that leads people to McDonald's. As I said the food is addictive, cheap and it's aggressively marketed. If a huge chain with big budget for selling delicious, healthy food existed and was convenient and cheap people would have a choice but unfortunately high quality fresh food is difficult to do cheaply and so doesn't make huge corporations enough money to bother with.
Jan 21, 2014
Middle-Of-Nowhere, Scotland
Funster No
Having read through many of the posts in this thread about the pathetic quality & rip-off prices of meals many posters have experienced, it makes me glad that both my Good Lady and myself are Natural Anti-Poncy & Non-Fashion Peasants when it comes to eating out.

Tracy has IBS AND can't handle spicy or peppery food, and I've naturally just never liked poncy food, so we almost always end up at somewhere along the likes of Toby Inns / Beefeaters / Harry Ramsdens / Two-For-One / Wetherspoons / etc ..... Where we can get good basic food (with the added [but less important] bonus of getting great value for money.

Whenever we've looked at the menus or tried meals in many "upmarket" eateries, their attempts at culinary-chemistry generally puts us off or tastes krap, and I begrudge paying exhorbitant prices for such krap (plus often £3-£5 for a single miniscule cup of coffee or tea).

It kinda surprises me to see the sort of bad-reputation posts about Wetherspoons in this thread, as luckily for us, all the ones local(ish) to us here in the North-East of Scotland are very good, pleasant, smeghead free, & clean ..... and we love their bottomless tea, coffee, & hot chocolate as we'll often have several mugs as a change from our normal Decaf-style at home ..... and we'll often end up paying less than £20 -to- £25 total (including extras & side-dishes, etc) for the pair of us (we rarely drink alcoholic drinks as we've never really aquired the taste for them).

It's NOT about the money as we have NO problem about paying more for good food & service, but we just find that many fancy/upmarket eateries just don't suit us .... Although many of our family seem to think that we're some sort of "Freakish Mutants" :LOL:
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Apr 17, 2016
South Coast
Funster No
White One..
3 years….
Treated Mrs CC to tea and cake at Harrods yesterday as it was her birthday, lovely chocolate fudge cake😋😋😋 best not say what it cost and yes there was a service charge…..
Apr 3, 2019
Funster No
Burstner Travel Van
Few years now
I said it's what it looks like, not what it is.
We have one wetherspoons here and I have been in from time to time.
Frequented by the cast of 'shameless' from 9am when they open for breakfast.
Deadheads and pissheads and the top end of the bar is next to the toilets.....and don't you know it.
I've smelt cleaner public toilets at the end of a hot day.
I only go in on the occasional pub crawl....certainly not because I want to.
I thought the same until i had a chat with some fellas in a Spoons in Leeds one morning. They were shift workers and finished their shift at 08:00.
They were just enjoying an after shift drink before heading off to bed. Taught me not to be so judgemental.
Last spoons we were in a few weeks back was mainly frequented by pensioners.


Jul 30, 2017
On the sofa ....
Funster No
Mobilvetta eurayacht
On and off since 95
Neither of you three are clearly fans of Spoons, so obviously unlikely to give a fair and reasoned view of their services, nor of their quality of food or ale. So please, do those of us who are regular and experienced customers nationwide, (including Ireland........north and south) a favour, by not offering opinions on a service that (by your own admissions), you are clearly not in a position to do so. :doh:
It's very much like the bleating of all things bad about Benidorm, ( especially from you Lenny)........from those who have either never been, nor have been, but never gave it a chance..........ie, narrow minded. :doh:

And isn't that a disgrace of the way the system works in the "Good Ole" USA, ie, not something for them to be proud of. :doh:

And yet another uninformed opinion from another "nay sayer" and non user. :doh:

I've been to witherspoons a few times ...actually probably about 2 dozen times. A social group I used to be part of held our monthly meeting in them as we got a discount.

My opinion was its cheap typical pub grub but nowt special.

Been to benidorm twice , first time for 93 minutes , felt I'd been unfair slagging it off so the next time I stayed 24 hours , once the morning Stench of vomit and piss from my walk along the promenade had left me I decided my first opinion was correct lol. If you like tack, cheap beer, American style fast food, noise, full English breakfasts for €2 and topless sunburnt brits moaning at their children its a great place .

But Spain it is not 😁

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