Corona Coctails ala Mrs. Bruni (1 Viewer)

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Charles Bruni

Deleted User
Corona Cocktails, which Mrs. Bruni may have invented (I'll have to ask her), are a delightful summer beverage. You'll need ICE cold Corona beer, limes, margarita salt, Frank's Red Hot, and cold boiled shrimp large enough to fit snugly in a Corona bottle opening.

Boil and chill the shrimp to prefection. Peel them but leave the tail on. Open a bottle of Corona and squeeze a slice of lime into it getting the lime slice into the bottle, and getting plenty of lime juice on the opening. Put the margarita salt liberally on the opening of the bottle. Douse a shrimp with the Frank's Red Hot, then push it into the bottle opening tail up and out. Yes, the Frank's Red Hot gets in the bottle. Serve. Plan to have plenty on hand because they always go fast and you'll run out. You've gotta try it to believe it. Damn near better than pu.. Nah..

I'm telling you these things are addictive. They seem to make you drink. People who like beer and like shrimp can't seem to suck 'em down fast enough. The combination of flavors is perfect. They also look neat and appealing. So, if you serve them to guests, lay in way more than you think necessary. The down side is that folks suck them down faster than they'd normlly drink and are subject to sudden drunkenness - especially in a relaxed cookout/party environment. Jeanie serves them as whores ovaries (hors d'ouvres) like an appetizer before the real food is served - gives them a chance to straighten out before driving home. We've actually had requests to serve these at outdoor get-togethers from people we've made them for on prior occasions. Don't say I didn't warn you..


I originally posted this on in 2005. For a good chuckle follow the link to the original thread. FYI, I'm known as Geometricenigma on You'll see..

RV.Net Open Roads Forum: Camp Cooks and Connoisseurs: Corona Cocktails ala Mrs. Geo


Deleted User
Sounds like a great idea for the next "Fun" meet Charles, guaranteed to break the ice so to speak :roflmto: Thank you for sharing ::bigsmile:

The only problem is the shortage of Corona Beer and Franks Red Hot here in the UK...........perhaps it something I need to add to my next shipping inventory! :winky: :roflmto:


Deleted User
Hi Charles

This sounds intriguing. So much so, that I am going to try it!

Corona we can get, no problem. I am sure the red hot sauce can be substituted with peri peri by nandos or something similar......

What happens if you push the prawn in too far?:roflmto:


Trader - Funster
Jul 29, 2007
Funster No
Autotrail Tracker FB
45 +years with breaks
Hi Charles

This sounds intriguing. So much so, that I am going to try it!

Corona we can get, no problem. I am sure the red hot sauce can be substituted with peri peri by nandos or something similar......

What happens if you push the prawn in too far?:roflmto:
It drownds and dies a very happy prawn:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: may get out for a P once or twice though:thumb:

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Dec 23, 2007
Funster No
Hobby Van Kenobi
started when I was 11 with my parents-forgot to stop!been real one since 1980!
The love child of a lemon drizzle cake and gin and tonic.

  • Cake mixture
  • 225g butter, softened
  • 225g golden caster sugar
  • 225g self raising flour, sifted
  • 2 tsp baking powder, sifted
  • finely grated zest of 2 lemons
  • finely grated zest of 1 lime
  • 4 eggs
  • 3 tbsp dry gin
  • 1 tbsp tonic water
  • ..............................................
  • Drizzle
  • juice of 2 lemons
  • 3 tbsp dry gin
  • 1tbsp tonic water
  • 120g golden caster sugar

  1. Preheat the oven to 190°C. Grease and a line 900g loaf tin with baking paper.
  2. Put the butter, sugar, flour, baking powder, zests into a large mixing bowl. Break in the eggs and beat using an electric mixer (around 3 minutes) or with a wooden spoon (about 10 mins) until the mixture is thick and smooth.
  3. Beat in the gin and tonic (from the cake ingredients list) into the mixture one table spoon at a time. Do this vigorously to prevent the mixture curdling.
  4. Spoon the mixture into the lined loaf tin and gently level the top.
  5. Bake in the centre of the oven for 50 minutes or until the cake is golden, risen and has slightly shrunk away from the tin at the sides. Test if it is done by inserting a metal skewer into the centre of the cake, if it comes out clean then the cake is cooked. If the skewer has any of the mixture stuck to it is not cooked, return the cake to the over for another 5 minutes or until cooked through.
  6. While the cake is cooking prepare the drizzle. In a jug mix together the lemon juice, gin, tonic and caster sugar. Stir together to allow some of the sugar to dissolve into the liquid.
  7. As soon as the cake is removed from the oven prick the top evenly to create lots of little holes. Pour the drizzle over the cake making sure it drips into the holes.
  8. Leave the cake to cool completely in the tin then remove and peal off the paper.
  9. Decorate with lime zest and a sprinkle of caster sugar if desired.
Jun 30, 2010
Funster No
1992 VW Auto sleeper Mono
Since 2005 this time
IF!?? You have already lost your liver, your kidneys are in meltdown, hey ho! get yerself a "jelly bean"
Double Vodka, double Bacardi, double Ouzo, dash of Grenadene and top up with soda


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