Yes!!! Yes!!!! Yes!!!!! (That's a weight off my shoulders.


Aug 14, 2009
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Pilote Explorateur
Hi all,

The last time we went on the Continent I had the 'van, (Hobby 650) weighed and shame of shames we were 40kgs over with only a sniff of diesel in the tank.

Just got off the phone to SVTech who were able to advise me that the van can be uprated by 200kgs, taking it to 3700kgs.

That's damn close to the max axle weights of 3750 but as we were well under on both axles last time, at least I'll be able to drive past a weigh check without crossing my fingers.
how could you be overweight but not close to the axle weights?are you adding the two axle weights together to get your gross?
how could you be overweight but not close to the axle weights?are you adding the two axle weights together to get your gross?
Confused me as well, you will get cheaper road tax though if your licence is ok.

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Hi again,
Mitzimad, this is how it was,
Front Axle, Max 1750kgs, Actual weight 1660kg
Rear Axle, Max 2000kgs Actual weight 1940kgs
Total Max weight allowed 3500kgs Actual weight 3540kgs.

Usually people are over on one, (or both:eek::eek::eek:)their axles.
but in this case I was over on neither BUT, (big but) I was over on the total.
On a two axle van you could commit any one or more of three offences (assuming no trailer), Over on front axle, over on rear axle or over on both and the MTPLM or Max weight. Oh! yes, you could be over on either the axles and the Max.
In my case I was only:whistle: over on the Max.

Hilldweller, thanks for asking. I'm still a Spring Chicken and still have 4+years before I prostrate!!! myself in front of the Doc. She's already examined my prostate but thats another story!!!

As for the revised weights, I cannot alter the max weights on either axle but SVTech advise me that I can have the MTPLM increased to 3700kgs.
Ref: Licence most people think they have "Grandads rights"but be aware if you have had to surrender your licence for any reason, when you get it back you probably wont have the same entitlements as before and you may have to contact DVLA to rectify this. .....Martin
Hi again,
Mitzimad, this is how it was,
Front Axle, Max 1750kgs, Actual weight 1660kg
Rear Axle, Max 2000kgs Actual weight 1940kgs
Total Max weight allowed 3500kgs actual weight 3540kgs.

Somebody cant count..
1660 + 1940 = 3600... Not 3540kg

If correctly weighed both actual axle weights can only equal the actual total weight.
the van had obviously been down rated to 3500 when in fact the design weight was higher
so talking about being over the 3500 on the log book.

Sorry to disagree with such an esteemed member of this forum but your comment is incorrect.

When the imposition of weight on either axle occurs, some of that weight is superimposed on 'the other' axle.
In the case of our van, whilst there is an accumulated weight limit of 3750kgs, (both max axles added together) there is a limit of 3500kgs on the whole vehicle.

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the van had obviously been down rated to 3500 when in fact the design weight was higher
so talking about being over the 3500 on the log book.
Dont know who your post was aimed at Roger....but I quoted actual weighbridge weights, not design weights.
Ref: Licence most people think they have "Grandads rights"but be aware if you have had to surrender your licence for any reason, when you get it back you probably wont have the same entitlements as before and you may have to contact DVLA to rectify this. .....Martin

My Licence is that old, it's written in Latin.
Dont know who your post was aimed at Roger....but I quoted actual weighbridge weights, not design weights.
I was just explaining why it was not over the indevidual axle weights, not aimed at anyone in particular.
Ok to answer your post when an indevidual axle is weighed it natuarally is affected by some of the other weight as well hence the total would appear to be generally more than the actual.
the 3500 is what the v5 states I guess rather than what is on the original vin plate.
Sorry to disagree with such an esteemed member of this forum but your comment is incorrect.
So what you are saying is, apart from ascertaining you are not exceeding the individual axle weights there is no point weighing each axle.

I disagree.

If an axle is at its limit the other axle must be unloaded to reach the gross weight.
If you cannot determine a true axle weight you cannot determine a weight for the other axle.
Deducting the shown weight of one axle from the gross weight will show an incorrect weight for axle two.
I just spotted a flaw in your argument.

You say some weight from the weighed axle will be imposed on the unweighted reducing the true axle weight.
That indicates the axle weight is actually higher than that shown on the scales.
The unweighted axle should be as close as possible to the bridge plate to minimise this effect and impose the highest possible weight on the weighed axle.
If the axle being weighed is just on the plate then the majority of weight will be on the unweighed axle thus showing a very much lighter weight on the weighed axle

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How do you go about raising the plated weight then, my Autocruise is plated at 3500 but the handbook for the van is giving a maximum technically permissible laden mass 4150kg which would allow me 995kg payload.
Having just checked on the sv site I think it would be better to weed out the unwanted before up rating. Although I hold an HGV1 licence, the problems of mot, insurance, taxation etc would negate the increase in payload.
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I just spotted a flaw in your argument.

You say some weight from the weighed axle will be imposed on the unweighted reducing the true axle weight.
That indicates the axle weight is actually higher than that shown on the scales.
The unweighted axle should be as close as possible to the bridge plate to minimise this effect and impose the highest possible weight on the weighed axle.
If the axle being weighed is just on the plate then the majority of weight will be on the unweighed axle thus showing a very much lighter weight on the weighed axle

It's not my argument. It's what happens.
I take the van and have the thing weighed. I get a certifiacte and as far as I'm concerned, what it says is what it is.
It doesn't matter where the van is in relation to the plate, whether its on by a foot metre or whatever. That weight is imposed on the weighbridge and it gives a readout.
If I backed onto the bridge further it wouldn't change the readings because there are only two points of reference. The front axle and the back axle.
I'm not a betting man but I doubt anybody could take their vans to a weighbridge and get the two axle weights to correspond with the overall weight. Thats why there is a disparity between the permitted axle loads and the GVW.
How do you go about raising the plated weight then, my Autocruise is plated at 3500 but the handbook for the van is giving a maximum technically permissible laden mass 4150kg which would allow me 995kg payload.

I'll tell you what I did. I went onto the SVTech website ( and downloaded a copy of their form that you can fill in and send off to them. I sent them the weighbridge Cert as outlined above and asked them, would be possible to increase the GVW. I knew they couldn't do much for me to increase the axle weights, but, because I knew I had spare capacity on both of them, I wasn't worried about that. I was highly delighted to discover the 'van could be increased to 3700kgs.

When I send them the money, they will send a new plate to affix over the old one and give me instructions on what Form (V5) to send to Swansea.
For my next long trip I'll arrived at the weighbridge with half a tank of fuel and clean water and see what it says. If I'm over and if so, it won't be by much, I'll get rid of some water and get the cert. I'll then know where I stand
In your circs you have loads of spare capacity going up to 4150kgs whereas, because of add ons to our 'van, (think Bike rack, awning, solar extra battery, microwave) we didn't have a lot in the first place.

Forgot to add, some might not consider the uprate as cheap, via SVRTech it's £260 plus VAT but to stave off the cold sweats as you go near a VOSA weighcheck, as the advert says. Priceless
Although I hold an HGV1 licence, the problems of mot, insurance, taxation etc would negate the increase in payload.
No problem with any of the above....

MOT is the same regardless of weight.... Class IV, same as a car.

Insurance... Could be a Small increase but I doubt it.

Road tax..all the same at £165 per year regardless of size or weight.

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Ref: Licence most people think they have "Grandads rights"but be aware if you have had to surrender your licence for any reason, when you get it back you probably wont have the same entitlements as before and you may have to contact DVLA to rectify this. .....Martin
Anybody been in this situation? Losing grandfather rights could be catastrophic ! Has anyone rung up and had them reinstated and was there any strings/ costs please .
Thanks for the info emmit..

on the sv tech website they state
Things to bear in mind when uprating your vehicle.

1)Uprating above 3500kg changes taxation class from PLG to PHGV

but regardless of that,, I am sure my roadtax was £230 for the year when I purchased it in June,, now SORNed until April.

Thanks for tis that e info emmit..

on the sv tech website they state
Things to bear in mind when uprating your vehicle.

1)Uprating above 3500kg changes taxation class from PLG to PHGV

but regardless of that,, I am sure my roadtax was £230 for the year when I purchased it in June,, now SORNed until April.

You are right Bertie. One of the financial upsides (eventually) is that I'll get my money back, admittedly after about 5/6 years.
Anybody been in this situation? Losing grandfather rights could be catastrophic ! isnt holding out much hope.
as anyone rung up and had them reinstated and was there any strings/ costs please .
I've got a mate who, unwittingly allowed DVLA to remove the rights when he got to 70. He's trying to get hem reinstated but he isnt hopeful.
He's even considering at 72 taking the test.
Anybody been in this situation? Losing grandfather rights could be catastrophic ! Has anyone rung up and had them reinstated and was there any strings/ costs please .
Would also like to know if this is possible ????
is it a question of paying for a Medical and filling in the appropriate form ?
Or is it a case of when it's Gorn' it's Gorn'
We would love to get our van uprated but not much point if no C1 cat.

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It's not my argument. It's what happens.
I take the van and have the thing weighed. I get a certifiacte and as far as I'm concerned, what it says is what it is.
It doesn't matter where the van is in relation to the plate, whether its on by a foot metre or whatever. That weight is imposed on the weighbridge and it gives a readout.
If I backed onto the bridge further it wouldn't change the readings because there are only two points of reference. The front axle and the back axle.
I'm not a betting man but I doubt anybody could take their vans to a weighbridge and get the two axle weights to correspond with the overall weight. Thats why there is a disparity between the permitted axle loads and the GVW.

I agree, whenever I've weighed mine the individual axle totals are never the same as the overall weight. I'd guess all VOSA would be interested in is the print out if you were stopped, if nothing else it shows you are aware of your responsibilities re weights.
Anybody been in this situation? Losing grandfather rights could be catastrophic ! Has anyone rung up and had them reinstated and was there any strings/ costs please .
Howie had a one off fit in 2008 and lost his licence for one year. When reinstated he had lost his C1 etc off his licence and the ruling is now that you can reapply five years after the getting your licence back (it used to be 10 years until 2008). He duly applied in 2013 after undertaking a medical at the GP and got all "grandfather" rights back. He did have to pay for the medical and sorry I can't remember how much that was - your GP surgery can give you the cost.

Would also like to know if this is possible ????
is it a question of paying for a Medical and filling in the appropriate form ?
Or is it a case of when it's Gorn' it's Gorn'
We would love to get our van uprated but not much point if no C1 cat.


There's nothing to stop you taking the test.

I know it's a hassle but it's a big world out there.
It would be a shame if you have the van with the capability and not be able to maximise it's use.
We were very frugal with our loading (to the point of only being able to get rid of 20Kgs of not so useless 'stuff' )so for us it was going to be a choice of, not taking the bikes, removing a battery (not so much of a problem in Summer) or removing the microwave.
To do one of the above would have had us literally on the edge of overladen and I just couldn't accept such a situation.
Thanks for the info emmit..

on the sv tech website they state
Things to bear in mind when uprating your vehicle.

1)Uprating above 3500kg changes taxation class from PLG to PHGV

but regardless of that,, I am sure my roadtax was £230 for the year when I purchased it in June,, now SORNed until April.


Correct.....over 3500kg becomes a 'private heavy goods vehicle' and as its private there is a blanket tax rate of £165 pa.
My last kontiki was 3750kg and £165
My current RV is 7500kg and £165

If yours is over 3500kg yet you paid £230 it is incorrectly registered with DVSA.
Correct.....over 3500kg becomes a 'private heavy goods vehicle' and as its private there is a blanket tax rate of £165 pa.
My last kontiki was 3750kg and £165
My current RV is 7500kg and £165

If yours is over 3500kg yet you paid £230 it is incorrectly registered with DVSA.

Not entirely correct pappajohn, I have checked on the DVLA website and the cost varies dependent on when the vehicle was first registered, in my case between 03 and 06 .. .. euro4 compliant. When I purchased my MH in June last year it was from a Prestige Cars Sales who ran down to the nearest post office and bought the tax for me. they must have filled in the paperwork incorrectly as the charge was £230 which I never queried. Having checked on the DVLA website I find it should have been £140. Good job I SORNed it and received 6 months back. Thanks for bringing that to my attention.

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