You can save yourself loads of hassle of you stay under 10m, 32ft. See this story from Merlin on the RV Owners Club.
I don't post that often but this is something that I feel needs airing.
We recently stayed at CCC Canterbury, a site we have used for over 20 years, always in an Rv. We did the usual thing when booking, declared 9M when we are actually 10 but knowing we could fit on most pitches with the overhang (just need to fit the wheelbase on the pitch).
So we arrived outside the reception, greeted by the warden ( I must point out that this was for our anniversary weekend and so we were in a very accommodating mood). He said ' you must be Mr.Burton' ? Yes I said, smiling like a fool, 'And this is supposed to be 9M '? Yes I said, still smiling, 'Shall I go and get my measuring wheel'? he said. ' You are supposed to be able to fit the whole unit on the pitch without any overhang, overhang is strictly forbidden', I protested that we had stayed there many times and pointed out the pitches to the left of the service point could easily take us. This was ignored and so with the smile running away from my face I asked him 'Shall we leave then'? ' I will need to ask my manager.
After consultation in the office he said just this once he would allow it, BUT we would have to stay on a pitch at the bottom of the site out of view from others in case we set some kind of precedence !!!!!
I followed him to the service point and as we were filling with water he walked me to a pitch on the edge of the field, sloping both ways, it was obvious why it was free. On returning to the service point I noticed a eurobox on one of the pitches we usually stay on, it was overhanging by about 2M. I pointed this out, 'Yes, but he could fit if he wanted to' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. At this point he declared the pitch he offered us was the only one available and left.
As we filled up I noticed 4 of the picthes we have stayed on were free, so I decided to have it out. I returned to the office and pointed out that the pitch given was terrible and that the 4 pitches could easily take us , I had measured it as 11.5M. ' I doubt that very much, there's no way it's 11M'. I insisted it was and could comfortably get on it. He resorted to Plan B and asked if we had slide outs, 'Yes' I said, 'Do you think you will extend over the hardstanding when they are out? I should have asked you to leave but have tried my best with you'. I have now lost the plot and replied 'YES YOU SHOULD'.
At this point the elusive manager appeared and said if we could fit we were welcome, but doubted we could. The idiot butted in and said 'I have updated your records to 10M so this won' happen again'.
So we reversed comfortably on to the pitch with at least a metre to spare, as they watched , they left without a word. Needless to say we will not be returning, and obviously won't be allowed. Still don't understand how this situation occurred considering our past visits.
I thought venting this would be therapeutic, however it has wound me up even more so I'm off for a Guinness !