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Well, its been nice knowing you guys, I'm afraid the wife has won the long standing argument and we are going back to tugging. I would just like to thank everyone for helping me out on so many occasions. I'll miss the waves when passing you funsters on the road, but there you go. the boss has spoken so from now on its a tugging we will be. What sealed the MHs fait was when she fell out the van missing both steps glass in hand landing on her new knee and miraculously not spilling a drop. She recons it wont be so far to fall out of a caravan, If any of you are thinking about going back to hauling a tin tent then let me tell you I forgot how much of a work up they are even with a mover they can be a nightmare. I never did get the hang of lining up the tow ball with the hitch, and what on earth those signals mean coming from the wife when I'm reversing. I can't wait.