At Peterborough we had a great time "Marshal Watching" it was a hoot. Over breakfast on the Thursday, the family watched a group of club marshals pacing out the pitches, it took them an age, and once done they had an argument and moved them all again
Their ralliers were given strict instruction on exactly which part of the motorhome must be level with which peg. Motorhomers looking really nervous as they are given their parking instructions before they even got a welcome, followed by lots of shouted "left 'and darn a bit" "straight back" "Straight" "I SAID STRAIGHT" (whether they wanted instructions or not) and plenty of eye rolling and tuts and the waving of clip boards if they deviated a fraction from the marshals instructions.
Contrast that to a Fun meet, where you will be greeted with a warm welcome, you can park more or less anywhere you feel comfortable, and the only difficult bit is deciding whether to have coffee or beer! (not a difficult choice for me
) If you want a very relaxed meet or rally, to meet other funsters in a very informal, laid back setting, with no rules, regs and annoying marshals then get yourself on a Fun meet or rally you will not be disappointed. Have a look on the calendar, there are plenty happening:thumb:

Their ralliers were given strict instruction on exactly which part of the motorhome must be level with which peg. Motorhomers looking really nervous as they are given their parking instructions before they even got a welcome, followed by lots of shouted "left 'and darn a bit" "straight back" "Straight" "I SAID STRAIGHT" (whether they wanted instructions or not) and plenty of eye rolling and tuts and the waving of clip boards if they deviated a fraction from the marshals instructions.
Contrast that to a Fun meet, where you will be greeted with a warm welcome, you can park more or less anywhere you feel comfortable, and the only difficult bit is deciding whether to have coffee or beer! (not a difficult choice for me