Free Member
I've owned a Pilote for a few years and have occasionally submitted questions and answers on the Pilote Owners Association website forum.
Today I've tried to access the forum and failed.
I now find I have to become a Member of the Association at an annual cost of £16 to be able to access the forums.
I realise there are other benefits of Membership but I am only likely to access the forums to help and be helped by other Owners and I don't require Newsletters or intend attending Meets.
Do other Motorhome marques have a similar set-up requiring payment to join or is it only Pilote that wishes to have my money to post and read on their forums ?

Today I've tried to access the forum and failed.
I now find I have to become a Member of the Association at an annual cost of £16 to be able to access the forums.
I realise there are other benefits of Membership but I am only likely to access the forums to help and be helped by other Owners and I don't require Newsletters or intend attending Meets.
Do other Motorhome marques have a similar set-up requiring payment to join or is it only Pilote that wishes to have my money to post and read on their forums ?