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Hi all, I've recently just bought a motorhome dating way back to 1989 with 2 para press windows needing replacing. I've tried to take measurements from the rubber seal on the inside and I'm getting roughly:
- overcab bed window are 158cm x 28cm
- nearside back window 129cm x 53.5cm.
- https://www.caravanwindows.net - £835 - I've had a chat over the phone and they said they have a supplier in italy who have the Para Press windows close enough to size (i might need to readjust the hooks for the handles). They said it would take anywhere around 10 weeks to get here though.
- https://www.camperbros.com/catalog/Universal Window WxH 1600x300 Grey : Motorhome Camper Caravan and https://www.camperbros.com/catalog/Universal Window W 1300 x H 550 Grey : Motorhome Camper Caravan - £500 - These guys have suggested these windows given the measurements above, but they are universal windows with one less handle, not sure if that matters. Anyone used these windows? Way cheaper obviously.
- https://www.vehiclewindows.co.uk/ - £450 - something like this instead and just get new glass windows custom made. Might look a little odd having one glass window at the back. Would also need to re-seal.